Torn Pages

Recently I have spent countless hours reading, re-writing, digesting, and reliving some of the most poignant sections of my story while putting the finishing touches on my next book. There are good times, sad times, horribly unfair occasions, and cherished triumphs. My tale is no different than one lived by any reader who is borrowing my words here. Everyone has tracked courageously as best as possible through this incredible journey known as life.

There are days when the rain seems to pour incessantly, where no matter how much we try to accomplish and push forward, the breeze of trial seems to continuously blow back defiantly. Time almost seems to slow down as the dreaded hours ponderously tick away. We forever recall the days, months, and even years we would rather forget altogether but cannot. Though difficult to understand, they are still a gift. We are alive.

Additionally, there are those rare moments where the entire world seems to be spinning out of our control with no apparent slowdown or relief in sight. Each of us has been there and shall continue to experience it periodically. In fact, lately, the entire globe has been figurately stopped in its’ tracks due to this scourge known as COVID. One thing I have learned over these last two decades is: life is unpredictably imbalanced like that. We get what we get and try our best to persevere, accompanied by an inherent network of supporters.

Regardless of the fight, there is one commonality within all of us during these reflections; our innate ability to seek and offer one another some form of human contact along the way. We ultimately become the most impactful leaders reciprocally, whereby we frequently change the hats worn upon our heads in an instant to be there when called upon emotionally. We stand tall confidently for each other through all the unknown ordeals. To volunteer encouragement, as friends and family falter. Covid certainly was a test, and I would bet you also can say the names instantly when asked who you leaned upon.

Confidently, we can cite those who were around us who offered unconditional support during the valleys. You know the names of these folks in an instant. They were there; it is what they do. There are no conditions; empathy and compassion rule the day. Represented in the faces of those who stand tall with us during our lowest periods. It too seems as though the same people are always there for us in a pinch regardless. As dependable as the air outside to breathe, they are only a phone call or text message away.

As I have looked back personally upon my own situation, I associate the names of trauma in my life with many of the faces of those who stood by me as I endured. But somehow, time passes, the calendar pages rip away quicker and quicker, and many of these same people have become less prominent in my life due to circumstances. They aren’t less important, but we move away, seek new employment, or travel in different circles over time. One thing is always for certain; if needed they would be there again for me at the drop of a hat, as I too would be there for them. It is just what we do, lay in wait.

The real question on my mind is this; aren’t each of us due to call upon others for absolutely no reason but to catch up while offering sincere and meaningful direct eye contact “thanks.” Perhaps it may be nice as the world seems to be opening a bit more, to find an opportunity to share thoughts again under different, warm, and positive circumstances.

Why is it we celebrate accomplishments so much less, and dwell on our obstacles so much more? If you are like me, I rarely share those kinds of uplifting days purposefully with my support network. But I know I should. It is almost a counterbalance to offset their gestures. We absolutely need to include our support folks in the fun  too as we revel!

Maybe we all need to catch up and discuss all the great stuff going on respectively in each other’s lives. To also acknowledge completely out of the blue the kind efforts shown by those who were there for us. No agenda, no preplanned conversation. To display ourselves living our best lives now and then and allowing them to see us as we thrive, for a change.  Pretty simple, but we rarely make it a point to do things like this. I’m thinking about calling some folks later today and inviting them to the party. Life is good, they deserve to know it.

No hats are required.



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6 replies
  1. Aric H. Morrison
    Aric H. Morrison says:

    Subscribe to these blogs. If you enjoy them, tell your friends and ask them to do the same! Together, we are building a wonderful community of like-minded, thoughtful, and supportive individuals. Feel free to leave a comment too.
    Currently, we have subscribers from 20 different countries… and we grow each and every week.

    Don’t forget to pick up a copy of ADVERSITY ROCKSTAR too!

    Also: My new Podcast and Youtube Channel will be launching very very soon. Content being created behind the scenes each day…

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  2. Susan Reynolds
    Susan Reynolds says:

    This post makes me want to pick up the phone and call a few friends. I know you meant for this to happen when the reader finished the blog. It worked! We need to party with friends too, you hit the nail on the head. Thanks, I love these blogs!!!!!!!!

  3. Anne Jalbert
    Anne Jalbert says:

    Aric, Your last two blogs moved me. I even drove through Lago to see if you were there this past week. I had an amazing vacation hiking in the White Mountains 2 weeks ago with like minded people. It felt so real. So normal. So not Covid. Anyway, sending a hug. Appreciating your blogs which really make me think and appreciate life. Hugs, Anne

    • Aric H. Morrison
      Aric H. Morrison says:

      Thanks for dropping a quick note, Anne! It is always so nice to know my blogs are impacting people. I try really hard to illicit some form of thought, contemplation, reflection, or inspiration. Notes such as yours make me want to write even more! Thanks again…

  4. Melissa
    Melissa says:

    MO- while I am on vacation I have finally had a chance to sit relax and read one of your articles. I enjoyed this one very much. Life sure is like a balancing act. Ups and downs and it is very nice to be able to share both with friends. As always you are an inspiration!

    • Aric H. Morrison
      Aric H. Morrison says:

      Thanks! Am so glad you were able to find some quiet moments for yourself. I appreciate you thinking of me and checking out a few of the blogs. Hope all is well. Thanks again for being such a loyal supporter and follower.

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